Le Fil de Soie Vallespir

Vallespir silk thread

We are based in the Vallespir region in the Pyrénées-Orientales department. Maureillas Las Illas, Céret, Le Boulou, Saint Jean Pla de Cort, Amélie les Bains ... We aim to promote the practice of Tai Chi, and Qi Gong but also meditation and reiki. As well as any other means that can lead to the balance of being.

Tai Chi & Qi Gong

My name is Oswald, and my journey into Chinese energy arts began with learning Tai Chi Chuan, Qi Gong, and the principles of Chinese energetics. I was introduced to these disciplines and deepened my understanding of their physical and mental benefits under the guidance of Patrick Loisel, in Brittany, France. His rigorous and passionate teaching allowed me to develop an approach that respects tradition while remaining relevant to modern practices.

Patrick Loisel studied under Master Gin Soon Chu Maître Gin Soon Chu, an iconic figure of the Yang style, who was long regarded as one of its greatest representatives. His expertise and influence played a major role in shaping the transmission of Tai Chi worldwide. An excerpt from an interview, translated into French, offers insight into the essence of his practice and philosophy…

Today, his two sons, Vincent and Gordon Chu, carry on his legacy at the Gin Soon Tai Chi Federation in Boston, USA. Many students regularly train with them, ensuring the continuity and global spread of this ancestral art.

While the Yang style is the most widespread, there are several distinct forms of Tai Chi, each with its own characteristics. Among them, the 108 movement form stands out for its depth and fluidity. This is the approach taught by The Silk Thread , promoting a harmonious and accessible practice for all.

Gin Soon Chu Tai Chi Chuan Federation
Gin Soon Chu


During my travels in Asia, I discovered meditation and explored different approaches through various teachings. Over time, this practice has become deeply rooted in my daily life, evolving into more than just a discipline. Convinced of its benefits for mental and emotional well-being, I offer personalized sessions tailored to individual needs. Whether in one-on-one sessions, for couples, or in small groups, my guidance provides a space for inner peace and alignment.

Energy Healing and Reiki

Mon parcours m’a amené à explorer plusieurs méthodes de soins alternatifs, parmi lesquelles la Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise, le Remedial Massage et le Reiki. Ces différentes approches m’ont aidé à mieux appréhender les liens entre corps, esprit et énergies. Aujourd’hui, je les combine de manière intuitive afin d’accompagner chaque personne vers une détente profonde et un mieux-être global. Mon objectif est d’offrir un moment de rééquilibrage énergétique, favorisant la libération des tensions et un recentrage harmonieux.


I receive in my premises in Maureillas Las Illas for care, meditation sessions as well as the courses of Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong. These can also take place at Prat de Farga 66480 Maureillas Las Illas and lacs de Saint Jean Pla de Corts. I can move around for requests for private lessons and for small groups. And we can also interact in Visio for support for meditation, Tai Chi and Qi Gong.


For any request for an appointment or lessons, refer to the hours below and contact me. (Example: request for a group on a Saturday or simply a weekly lesson…) Choice of lessons: indoors or outdoors. See you on the page Rates For details.
PS: group lessons from 2 people

Additional informations

Possibility to follow Live courses
Request for informations or appointment Page contact
Tai Chi and Qi Gong lessons to download are available on www.taichicoursesonline.com