Tai Chi Nouméa

Welcome to the Silk Thread website

Our goal is to support requests for well-being, to help maintain health and harmony of body and mind.

Our activities

We offer Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes, a support for Meditation, which means a teaching with individual monitoring. But also energy treatments by appointment to help rebalance and reboost.

The benefits

Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong exercises improve breathing, flexibility and grounding. They strengthen the body by promoting balance and relaxation. Learn more...
Meditation allows you to enter into intimacy with self, to find inner calm in soothing the agitations of the mind. Learn more...
Reiki treatments help to relieve certain ailments but also to rebalance subtle energies through a cleansing process. Energy treatments, whose process is similar to those of acupressure, reflexology or even Shiatsu, have a deep action in the cells of the body. Learn more...
Gymnastics and energy treatments help maintain the conditions for harmony of body and mind. These tools are full-fledged branches of traditional Chinese medicine which can provide general appeasement. They help the mind manage stress and allow the body to maintain mobility and tone.


The energy practices taught and promulgated can help maintain or even improve physical and mental condition. Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Meditation and Reiki have their sources in the Orient. However, they are based on universal principles that anyone can approach. My wish is to make everyone autonomous in their practice while respecting their own pace.

Further information

Possibility to follow Video lessons
Request for informations or appointment Contact page
Tai Chi and Qi Gong lessons to download are available on www.taichichuanyang.com